Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:4-5
Churches Together
No church or their denomination has a monopoly on the mission to which Christ called us. We believe in coming together across our traditions and expressions to benefit our community to preach the gospel in both word and deed. We are part of Ingatestone and Fryerning Churches Together. Other member churches are:

• St Edmund and St Mary Parish Church (Anglican) - Go to their website here
• Ingatestone United Reformed Church - Go to their website here
• St John the Evangelist & St Erconwald Church (Catholic) - Go to their website here
Elim Missions
We partner with Elim Missions through supporting missionary couples who go out around the world to bring the gospel and minister into communities.
Edge Ministries

We have chosen to specifically support their Edge Centre in Staveley, Derbyshire, through regular financial support and working links during the year.
As well as supporting Elim Missions, we encourage our members to give toward the Staveley project on top of their tithe and this can be done through our finance director, Susan.
We will be updating this area as our relationship develops.
Through the Roof
Through the Roof is a charity which, among many other things, helps resource churches to become inclusive places of worship for people of all abilities. 

Our Roofbreaker Champions are John and Sheri Cavill - their role is be a point of support and contact for people who have additonal needs to enable their church participation more easily. They work with Pastor Lee to bring about the necessary changes across the church where we are able to do so. For more information on Through the Roof visit their website.
To watch a short video greeting from our Roofbreaker Champions click here.
Safeguarding is a priority at Ingatestone Elim Church. As well as being supported by the Safeguarding team at Elim Headquarters, we are members with thirtyone:eight, an independent Christian safeguarding advisory service.

thirtyone:eight have a Safeguarding Helpline which both organisations and individuals can use. Call 0303 003 1111 (option 2). For more information visit their website.