Small groups enable a deepening of relationships both with each other and with God that cannot be found merely by attending Sunday services. Small groups offer social connections and opportunities for spiritual growth wherever you're at on your faith journey. Browse below for our current small group list. We will be looking to increase our provision over the next year.
Men’s Ministry
Our men's ministry is coordinated by Jason Rickett. We don't have a name yet, even though we've been running the group for over 4 years! 

At present we meet every 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 in Church. We usually start with a fun activity which, when in-person, consisted of darts, quizzes, golf and more! This is followed by a topical discussion or Bible study led by Jason or another group member.
We are aligned with Christian Vision for Men (CVM) and a group usually attends 'The Gathering' every June in a field near Swindon. Visit their website here.
Women’s Ministry
Grace is the women's ministry for our church and is led by Alison Carmichael. The group meets every 1st Tuesday at 7:30pm.

Sessions are a mix of social and spiritual.
During the year, the women's group arrange trips to Elim's 'Aspire' events when they are on in our region.
Young Adults
CYAN stands for the Christian Young Adults Network

It is a network set up for young adults to meet monthly for social and spiritual events.
Facebook - search Christian Young Adults Network
Instagram - @c.y.a.n_
New Group
New Group