Sunday Services are at 10am each week both online and in-person, followed by refreshments.
Sunday for many is the last day of the week, yet for us it is our beginning. There is no better way to begin your week than to come together with other believers, build your relationship with the church family and with God through a warm welcome, worship and the word. Read on below for what you can expect on any given Sunday from 10am at our church.

If you attend in-person, the visible area on the camera is generally limited to the stage area from the left hand side of the door through to the lounge. There is the potential for people moving about on the front rows to be in shot, however we try to minimise this where possible. If you concerned about you or your child appearing on the video then please speak to Pastor Lee.
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The church is blessed with musicians and singers of varying styles. We don't have a singular style or expression and our songs are selected firstly to bring honour to God rather than to please people.
However, the goal of the worship leader is to enable people to engage in worship of God and so we employ a range of both contemporary and older songs and hymns.

If you come for the first time you may notice that people raise their arms, clap or speak out words of praise. This is all normal and we don't expect you to do what others may be doing. You are free to stand, sit, raise your arms or keep them by your side, there is no one way you can worship.
There is more to worship than just singing! You will notice seasonal decor and art in our building and that too is an expression of worship from our Create team led by Norah Fitzwater.
Our teaching is mainly brought by our pastor, though we are blessed with messages from our elders and guest contributors thoughout the year. We often find ourselves working through a series on subjects ranging from a book of the bible to a particular theme. Our teaching is made more accessible through the use of powerpoint.
We celebrate communion usually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. You don't have to be baptised or a member to celebrate communion with us. We encourage each person, as the bible does, to examine your heart before taking communion (1 Cor. 11:28)
Children and Youth
The first 20 minutes of our in-person services are usually all together. Worship and fellowship should be a family experience and so this is a time in which we're able to encourage that.
We provide children's work in Good News Gang on all bar 3rd Sundays when we provide 'Creche for all' Soft play and craft in the rear hall for parent supervised play while the service will be broadcast on the TVs in the hall.
Youth Discipleship Sessions are every 2 and 4th Sunday during the service.
We require all new children and young people to be registered with us - Parents can take their children into the session and can talk to one of the leaders and fill out a registration form. Young people can attend by themselves and will be given a registration form to take back to parents.
Parents and Toddlers
We don't mind a bit of noise in our services! But if you have a baby or toddler and would like some space to play then our lounge (between the sanctuary and the rear hall) is the space to go. The lounge has a sofa (to come) and some soft play toys for the kids. We have a feed of the service on the TV in there so you won't miss out on the message.
There is a baby change table in the accessible toilet in the foyer.
Our building and services are access friendly through the following ways:
Level access to all sections of the building from both inside and outside
Accessible Toilet in the foyer
Baby Change Table in the accessible toilet
Large print newsletters
Extra cushions for seats
High contrast words with no moving backgrounds on the screen for people with sight issues