Vision and Values

We believe in being a borderless church with local church values. That means our fellowship has members from a wide ranging geographical area, the furthest being around 13 miles away. We also welcome those who fellowship with us online from anywhere. While we are growing numerically, we also wish to retain a local church feel. We want to be a place where you feel you can know others and be known. We are not striving for perfection, but want to encourage and develop people in the gifts that God has given them. Below are our vision and values which we hope encapsulate who we are and what we seek to do.


We instil a sense of inclusion and belonging in all by:

Welcoming new people

Sharing our resources when need arises

Sharing life experiences

Bringing all ages together as we embrace old and new expressions

Including all abilities through our facilities and opportunities to participate


We endeavour to show everyone in our fellowship has purpose by:

Recognising God-given gifts and talents in everyone

Growing others to serve

Equipping people to live faithfully on their frontline and wherever they live

Enabling believers to engage with social and political issues through deeds, faith and theology


We want everyone to feel safe by:

Making safeguarding a priority

Enabling accountability and clear pathways to raise concerns

Valuing everybody’s contribution

Excellent pastoral care


We want to grow by:

New believers through personal outreach

Sound and relevant teaching and Bible study

Praying together

High levels of discipleship

Being obedient to God’s leading

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